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Where do we even start?


In Texas at least, high school graduation planning begins in the 8th grade. Yes, the 8th grade. Parents and students are asked to plan the next 4 years of high school some time around the time they are planning spring break for their 13 year old. Even in the best schools with the best counselors, this task can feel overwhelming. The options are completely different than when the parents were in high school and the kids have no idea what they want to do. This process then repeats itself in many homes in 11th or 12th grade. Students start being asked what they plan to do after graduation. Some kids have some idea of what they want to do or may have a list of jobs they never want to do, but most have never really spent time exploring careers that match their interests or how to get into those fields. This leads many students to apply for college simply because that is what they think they are supposed to do or because they don't know what else to do. But that just creates another set of questions - where should I go, can I get in, and if I get in what in the world will I study. College costs too much to spend time taking classes that you don't need or getting degrees that aren't viable. When exploration and conversations begin early it is easier to create a plan and have a clear path to a goal, but just there is always time to chart a new course. Let me help you explore your options and design a path.



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