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Graduation is Coming Fast


Updated: Jun 3, 2024

Whether you are finishing high school or college, graduation season is coming up soon. That means big changes - either heading off to college or training, joining the military, or going to work. The number of decisions and changes can be overwhelming even when you think you have a clear path. Don't panic! Just take it one step at a time, be organized - keep a list going so that you don't forget anything and ask for help if you need it.

Maybe you are graduating but you aren't sure what happens next. Maybe you haven't decided what to do after high school or you are still searching for the big new job after college. That can bring extra fear and worries because you don't have a plan and everyone you talk to that is the first thing they ask you. What are you doing next? No one wants to say they don't know. But it's ok if you don't. There is still time. If you don't know where to start, then start by eliminating the things you know won't work. Maybe you have been working a part-time job and you just know the thought of continuing in that position for much longer is just not going to work. That's step one. Now start looking for what you can do instead. Talk to friends and family that may have connections at places you want to work or join societies affiliated with your interests so you can build your network.

For high school, maybe you didn't get into the "dream" school or the finances didn't work for you to go to a particular school. That doesn't mean college is completely off the table. There are still 4 year universities you can apply to for the fall or community college may be a good fit. Don't count any option out until you have explored it.

Remember we're always here to help guide you to finding What's Next! Including our new series for high school parents, juniors & seniors starting their college search and applications, parents and their college freshmen, and soon to be college grads. Visit our services page for more information and to register!



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